Epsilon Tau Chapter (Rochester)
Epsilon Tau Chapter was installed at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, on February 2, 1991.
Forty-four pledges made their way to the First Presbyterian Church, where Gamma Phi Betas from Syracuse University were ready to perform the Initiation ceremony under the direction of International Ritual Chairman Audrey Weldon Shafer (Missouri). McGill University and Colgate University Gamma Phi Beta sisters also participated in the ceremony.
More than 160 guests attended the Installation banquet at the Irondequoit Country Club, including several international officers. University of Rochester Vice President and Dean of Students Paul Burgett welcomed Gamma Phi Beta to campus and commended the group on its success. He spoke about the Greek system and its positive influence on university life.
Barbara Wessel presented a $1,000 Gamma Phi Beta Foundation donation in celebration of the new chapter to Ellie Smith, who accepted it on behalf of Hillside Children's Center Liberty Hill Farm. Liberty Hill Farm is a year-round camp for children with disabilities.
The Epsilon Tau Chapter charter was presented by Kris Brandt Riske and accepted by President Krista Schlueter. The celebration ended with the singing of “Love, Labor, Learning and Loyalty.”
Excerpt from the summer 1991 issue of The Crescent, pages 10-11.
Epsilon Tau Chapter charter members, 1991.