Zeta Xi Chapter (College of Idaho)

Zeta Xi Chapter was installed at The College of Idaho in Caldwell, Idaho, on May 13, 2000. Zeta Xi Chapter closed September 30, 2020.

Beginning as Gamma Women's Group in the spring 1999, 27 women of Zeta Xi had a vision of someday wearing the letters of Gamma Phi Beta. The group had heard of Gamma Phi's positive image and contacted International Headquarters about the extension process. After obtaining the guidelines on what Gamma Phi looks for in a local group, and with local alumnae support, the women began the process of preparing to show Gamma Phi how successful they could be. Once they became a colony, the extreme efforts didn't stop there.

Zeta Xi Chapter charter members with International President L’Cena Brunskill Rice (Southern California) and their charter in 2000.

As a new sorority on a campus of only 750 students, these women faced the challenges of not only forming their own identity, but also the integration into a difficult Greek system. Before Gamma Phi came onto Albertson College of Idaho's campus, it consisted of two local sororities and one local fraternity as well as the national organizations of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma and Sigma Chi. In the absence of both a Panhellenic and Interfraternal Conference, the Greek governing body consisted of only a Greek Council. As a result, campus norms and regulations were quite different than what may be on a larger campus. However, Zeta Xi's extraordinary women very much lived up to the ideals and expectations of Gamma Phi Beta members by understanding and supporting what we stand for and promote.

Throughout the short eight-week period of colonization, the members worked extremely hard. They organized and planned events that included a sisterhood sleepover and an ultimate Frisbee philanthropy to raise funds for camping. The women also decorated children's books with touchable crafts and donated them to the Boise library.

Although most of the women of Zeta Xi were very involved in campus and community activities, they poured their hearts into the Installation of their chapter. Their hard work paid off. Gamma Phi Beta welcomed the 27 new members into her sisterhood on May 13, 2000, with a beautiful Initiation conducted by International Director of Ritual Elizabeth "Kiki" Phillips, International President L'Cena Rice and members of Xi Chapter at the University of Idaho. An installation banquet was held at the Boise Centre on the Grove, where Paul Bennion, director of student activities and operations, gave a welcome speech from Albertson College of Idaho. Additionally, Gamma Phi Beta welcomed First Lady of Idaho Patricia Kempthorne. She moved the new initiates with her memories of Gamma Phi and the positive influences it had on her. The entire day was a true example of the exceptional lifetime commitment of Gamma Phi Beta.

Excerpt from the fall 2000 issue of The Crescent, page 17.